Saturday, April 23, 2011

Food Network and Man vs. Food

I'm addicted. I can't stop watching Food channels. Can this be healthy?? I've never watched these shows before- and now... I'm DVRing them. I'm not writing down the recipes or eating myself to death while watching the shows. I just watch... okay, I do sometimes wish I was eating what they are eating (who doesn't?!), but I get over it and flip to the next food channel.

Any insights? Am I just mourning the lost of my bad eating habits and living vicariously through the shows? Or am I looking too much into this and it's just me watching TV? I mean... I watch Teen Mom and I'm not running out looking for a Baby Daddy to complicate my life, am I? No. So it can't be that bad... right?!


  1. Honestly, I used to watch those shows ALL the time before my surgery - now it makes me sick to watch them. Perhaps it's just mourning. You'll be fine - it's not like we CAN eat like that at this point! And hopefully, there will come a time when we don't WANT to eat like that! :-)

  2. Even now I can't do man vs food. i do love watching cake challenges but to me thats more of art than food :)
