Saturday, March 12, 2011

Getting things together...

A quick update to share some things I've bought to begin my post-op journey... which starts in 5 days!!

1) A weight loss cookbook:

I know I won't be needing this for a couple weeks post-op but it's fun looking through it and getting ideas of what I can make and eat soon. I thought that maybe since my taste buds change so much after surgery that I could try and do a "Julie and Julia" thing and work through the whole book. That seems really ambitious so we will see...

2) Daily Vitamins:

I decided to go with the Calcium Crystals so I can avoid taking any pills or eating really expensive calcium bites 6-7 times a day. I think I have to have 3 scoops of the crystals (which can mix with my protien) a day and they say to break it up throughout the day. Then after some advice on a WLS forum I switched from my nutritionist-wrongly-recommended Flintstone Vitamins and went with a chewable Centrum Silver. I still won't have to take extra iron, unless my labs come back low, and it is way better for me. Thanks for all the advice my fellow OH'ers!

3) PROTEIN!!!!!!:
I definitely need to stock up some more on this... All I've bought are the little samples you see. The big Whey Protein in the back is so old from when my husband decided he was going to "buff up"... It's a vanilla flavor so I think it would be good with some smoothies. However, the nectar brand only has 26ish grams of protein per package... doesn't seem like a great of a deal but I will try it out anyways. I think I'm also going to invest in ISOPURE unflavored protein... it's 50 grams for 2 scoops and I could put it in about everything.

4) A New Scale:

No picture... still in the box... but I will be breaking it out soon- Stay tuned for another blog post on this!

Even though I feel like I'm ready for surgery there is still a lot of things I want to get before Thursday morning:

  • More protein
  • A food journal
  • A shaker to mix my drinks in
  • A reusable water bottle
  • A new Pure water filter 
  • Different 0 calorie, 0 sugar drinks to try after surgery

And there is so much more to do blog-wise before hand! Take measurements, show my before weight (SO not looking forward to that), take before pictures, etc. All of which I will share with you, fellow bloggers! Until next time...


  1. Hi I just found your blog via OH. I wanted to wish you the best of luck!
    Jenn @

  2. Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Don't forget not to spend lots for protein before hand as your taste will change a LOT after surgery. Some proteins will taste much to sweet! You might contact several of the protein websites they'll send you free samples! They are great after surgery and will help you narrow down the ones you'll be able to stomach!
