Happy Birthday... to Less of Me!!
I found it horrifically sad that I couldn't find a picture of me last year to put up a comparison... but I guess that was normal in my old self. I wouldn't dare let myself be in front of the camera- and if I did- I was ultra depressed with the results. Now, I love to look at pictures and think... "wow, is my face really shrinking?!" or "wow, I'm glad I have pictures of me and _____". It's a nice change.
DO NOT WORRY FELLOW WLSers.... the cake was for the pose. I am definitely not eating/attempting/wishing/hoping/tempting any cake. At this point it is hard to keep some fruits down because of the natural sugars and I definitely don't want to upset my pouch over processed sugar crap.
It's hard to imagine what next years pictures will look like... but I am ready and excited to see them. The more weight I lose the more motivated I am to make changes to my life as a whole. This week? It was bringing less processed, more lean lunches to work. And I felt so much better. Lean chicken, lean fish, fresh veggies and fruit... yum! It makes the thought of eating the bad crap not a thought at all.
Now if only I could break this stall!! I've been in the 260s FOREVER it feels. Cross your fingers for me that this week we see some pounds shed or I may go crazy. I have been pretty lucky to not have stalls last too long. On OH I read about people who stall for weeks at a time- thank god I'm not there yet. A 5-6 day stall is enough to drive me crazy!
Until next time friends :).........